Organic Garden Seed Suppliers
Below is a list of online providers of organic garden seed and seedlings. Some companies offer both organic and conventional seed, but those companies offering conventional seed must have taken the Safe Seed Pledge to be included here. According to the Council for Responsible Genetics (CRG), the Safe Seed Pledge states that providers do not knowingly buy or sell genetically engineered seeds or plants. Companies offering organic garden seed exclusively will appear in bold. This list will be updated periodically, but if you notice any errors or know of a company that belongs on this list, e-mail Green Promise at resource@greenpromise.com. Grow responsibly!

Abundant Life Seeds (http://www.abundantlifeseeds.com/)
Extensive offering of organic garden seeds available online. Also sells gardening supplies.
Botanical Interests (http://www.botanicalinterests.com/)
Family-owned company offering both conventional and organic seed. Seeds are untreated and have guaranteed germination rates.
Fedco Co-op Garden Supplies (http://www.fedcoseeds.com/)
Offers certified organic seed and non-GE conventional seed. Specializing in cold-hardy crops.
Gardens Alive! (http://www.gardensalive.com/)
Primarily offering oranic gardening supplies, fertilizer and pest control. Also offers organic seed for a limited variety of vegetables. Join their organic garden club to save 10% off all orders.
Heirloom Organics Non-Hybrid Seeds (http://www.non-hybrid-seeds.com)
Heirloom vegetable, fruit, legume, grain and herb seeds. Some organic heirlooms also available. Best bang for the buck: seed packs of assorted varieties and sizes.
High Mowing Organic Seeds (http://www.highmowingseeds.com/)
Extensive offering of certified open pollinated organic seeds, including organic hybrids. Also carries books and supplies. Free seed pack with every online order.
Johnny's Selected Seeds (http://www.johnnyseeds.com/)
Both non-GE conventional and organic seed, with an extensive organic collection including hard-to-find cultivars. Garden tools also available.
The Natural Gardening Co. (http://naturalgardening.com/)
Extensive offering of organic garden seeds available online. Plus offers organic seedlings for a select variety of seed. Also sells gardening supplies.
Peaceful Valley Farm & Garden Supply (http://www.groworganic.com/)
Extensive offering of organic garden seeds as well as non-GE conventional seeds, both in home gardening quantities and bulk quantities. Plus offers a good variety of bareroot, root crop stock and mushroom kits. Gardening supplies also available.
Renee's Garden (http://www.reneesgarden.com/)
Boasts seed varieties from around the world and tested for the home gardener including unusual seed choices, time-tested heirlooms, international hybrids and open-pollinated varieties.
Seed Savers Exchange (http://seedsavers.org/)
Extensive offering of organic garden seeds available online primarily focused on herilooms. Gardening books and supplies too.
Seeds of Change (http://seedsofchange.com/)
Extensive offering of organic garden seeds available online, both in home gardening quantities and bulk quantities. Plus offers organic seedlings for a select variety of seed. Organic fruit trees available, as well as gardening supplies. 5% discount for online orders.
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange (http://www.southernexposure.com)
Sow Organic Seed (http://www.organicseed.com/)
Extensive offering of certified open pollinated organic seeds, including heirloom varieties.
Territorial Seed Co. (http://www.territorial-seed.com/)
Offers both organic and non-GE conventional seed, plus mushroom kits for select varieties. Garden tools and supplies also available.
Underwood Gardens (http://www.underwoodgardens.com)
Organic by practice. Specializes in rare and heirloom seed. Paying for an annual site membership gives users 10% discount and more.
Wood Prairie Farm (http://www.woodprairie.com/)
Certified organic seed for a limited variety of vegetables, with an emphasis on organic potato seed.